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Changzhou’s foreign trade increased 11.3% in the first three quarters of this year
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According to Changzhou Customs, Changzhou’s foreign trade in the first three quarters recorded 244.09 billion yuan, ranking fifth in the province, up by 11.3% compared with the same period last year.

From January to September, 8205 enterprises made solid performance in foreign trade. Private enterprises led the growth with 132.21 billion yuan in trade volume, accounting for 54.2% of the city’s total. Sectors like new energy vehicles continued to expand, pushing the opening up of the city to a higher level. At the same time, the foreign-invested companies in Changzhou reached 101.54 billion yuan in trade value, an increase of 9.4% year on year.

The trade structure was further optimized. In the first nine months, Changzhou exported 116.75 billion yuan of mechanical and electrical products, and nearly 34.5 billion yuan of high-tech products, an increase of 20.1% and 35.1% respectively. Substantial growth has been seen in the new energy sector. In terms of export, the volume of solar batteries rose 60.6%, and lithium batteries increased 48.4%. a total of 4087 new energy vehicles was sold overseas, a rise of 17.3%.

Foreign trade enterprises played a significant role, while high-tech enterprises fared well. Companies listed in the top 100 foreign trade enterprises contributed 89.27 billion yuan in export volume, accounting for 47.1% of the city’s total, among which 57 enterprises had maintained double-digit growth. The export of high-tech enterprises such as Trina Solar, Risen Energy, EGING PV rose by 25.1%, 111.7% and 355.1% respectively.


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